2023 Advocacy

Native Tree Policy

FONTT argues that the city should implement its native tree policy in a manner consistent with the city’s goal of increasing biodiversity in the urban forest.

The FONTT native tree advocacy team is currently taking an online training course, February – April 2024, offered by the United States Forest Service and the Northern Institute of Applied Climate Science. 

The team will learn how to consider climate adaptation in planning to meet the biodiversity and other goals that have been established by the City of Takoma Park for its urban forest. 

The intention is that through continuing education, FONTT’s advocacy will remain firmly grounded in science and best practices for achieving the biodiversity and other city goals for the Takoma Park urban forest.

2023 Advocacy

In May 2023, the Public Works Department proposed changes to the list of tree species approved for city planting.  The changes raised alarm bells for FONTT because it seemed that the focus on planting native trees would be diluted under the guise of an ill-defined climate adaptation strategy.

FONTT therefore sent written comments to the Urban Forest Manager and the City Councilmembers, plus made public comments at the July 26th council meeting. 

Read explanation of why “native tree” should be a tree native to Maryland
Read public comments at the July 26th city council meeting
Watch the July 26th council meeting recording
(FONTT starts @17min30sec)
Read the comments to the City Council
Read the comments to the Urban Forest Manager

Public Spaces Management Plan

FONTT has participated in workshops and provided comments throughout the process of preparing the Public Spaces Management Plan (PSMP).

Comments on the final draft of the PSMP, which were submitted to the Planning Department on October 10, 2023.

Previous comments:
FONTT Comments on Draft Recommendations for PSMP, August 2022
FONTT Input to PSMP Workshop, July 24, 2022